Autor: Editorial Office CVJ.CH

The CVJ editorial staff consists of a team of Blockchain experts and informs daily and independently about the most exciting news.

Die Solana-Blockchain nutzt Proof-of-History (PoH), um Transaktionen einen Timeslot zuzuweisen und zu überprüfen. PoH verbessert die Skalierbarkeit und Sicherheit, ohne auf energieintensive Lösungen wie beim Proof-of-Work-Konsens zu setzen.


Web3 ist eine dezentralisierte Form des Internets mit mehr Benutzerkontrolle, angetrieben von Blockchain-Technologie, die darauf abzielt, ein transparenteres, sichereres und zensurresistentes Internet-Ökosystem zu schaffen.


Quantitative easing (QE) is a form of nontraditional monetary policy in which a central bank buys a large number of securities to stimulate the economy. If it worked well, the increase in the money supply would encourage lending, lower interest rates, and lead to economic growth. Quantitative easing (QE) is a monetary policy measure in which a central bank buys predetermined amounts of government bonds or other financial assets (i.e., municipal bonds, corporate bonds, stocks, etc.) to inject money into the economy to expand economic activity. It is considered an unconventional form of monetary policy, which is generally used only…
