Das Investieren in Kryptowährungen wird immer beliebter, kann auf den ersten Blick jedoch komplex erscheinen. Eine Übersicht zu den Optionen.
Autor: Karl-Martin Ahrend

Karl-Martin Ahrend
Karl-Martin Ahrend is Co-Founder at web3 Studios, an investment banking boutique focused on the crypto space. After stints at Deutsche Bank and JP Morgan, he spent most of his career in the private equity division of asset manager Blackstone. There, he dove into the world of digital assets towards the end and ultimately teamed up with his co-founders to make institutional transactional advice accessible to founders in the web3 space. In the last year, he and his team at w3s have advised on over 10 closed transactions.
Der Bitcoin-Kurs fiel im Februar um 17%, erholte sich aber nach Trumps Ankündigung der US-Krypto-Reserve wieder. Wie geht es weiter?