Decentralized Finance (DeFi) ist ein Blockchain-basierter Finanzmarkt, der ohne Intermediäre wie Banken oder Maklerfirmen funktioniert.
Autor: Fred Steinmetz
Fred Steinmetz is co-founder of the Blockchain Research Lab (BRL) and is currently conducting research on the topics of cryptocurrency adoption and proliferation, the intersection of cryptocurrencies and gambling, and applications of blockchain technology in supply chains. The non-profit research institute Blockchain Research Lab promotes independent science and research in the field of blockchain technology, as well as the publication of its results through publications, conference papers or media contributions. Using scientific methods, the Blockchain Research Lab develops substantial foundations to demonstrate both the opportunities and limitations of blockchain technology for society.
Seit bald einem Jahr dominiert die Solana-Blockchain den Memecoin-Sektor, wobei mit Tron ein neuer Konkurrent in den Bereich einsteigt.