Das Investieren in Kryptowährungen wird immer beliebter, kann auf den ersten Blick jedoch komplex erscheinen. Eine Übersicht zu den Optionen.
Autor: Mathilde Schmidt

Mathilde Schmidt
After her business psychology studies, Mathilde worked with many startups through her role in an Amsterdam based VC firm, before she joined a Zuger tech startup as their COO. Inspired by the buzzing business environment and innovation-friendly hotspot Zug, she finally started her own businesses here in the crypto Valley. The Office Group Zug LLC helps entrepreneurs from around the world, to get set up with their businesses in Zug, including company foundation, office spaces and administrative services.
Der Bitcoin-Kurs fiel im Februar um 17%, erholte sich aber nach Trumps Ankündigung der US-Krypto-Reserve wieder. Wie geht es weiter?